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August 18, 2018 by
cargotonigeria in
Cargo services, Cargo to Lagos, Freight Forwarder, Shipping to Nigeria from London, Shipping to Nigeria from UK Just about putting some markings on the freight to be sent to Nigeria can help save the day for both the freight forwaders and customers alike. There are over hundred occasions when some cargoes arrived at our warehouse with no single marking or labeling to indicate who the owner is. Imagine a freight arrived from […]
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June 1, 2015 by
cargotonigeria in
Cargo Rate, Cargo to Lagos, Cargo to Nigeria News, Freight Forwarder Our service is door to door but there are places in Lagos which would require extra charges if customers require us to deliver their cargo to. By definition of door to door, everyone would think everywhere considered as part of Lagos state should be regarded as such. This is why this needs to be explained […]
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